Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bear Pepper Spray

Using bear spray.
If a bear approaches slowly or follows at a distance, fire two or three short bursts of spray between you and the bear while you continue backing away. The spray will create a cloud of deterrent which may stop the bear. But make sure you have enough left to spray the bear in the face at short distance if it keeps coming.
If a bear is charging, stand your ground, fire a couple of short bursts to create a cloud in front of you, then save remaining spray for use at close range if necessary.
Government of Yukon 2005

Monday, July 20, 2009

Portable Door Lock

This easy to install door lock helps to protect you and your family. We tested the lock and it is a big thumbs up. This is a low cost portable door lock that is must for as a line of secondary defense. The lock is made of specially treated steel to provide an extremely strong defense against break-ins. This lock can be used with dead-bolt or chain locks for an additional level of protection. Three sizes of rubber inserts are included for adjustments to most different style doors. This portable door lock is great for homes, hotels, or anywhere you want to feel safe and secure. Dimensions are 4 inches x 2 and one-quarter inches.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Protect Your Home While Away

When you’re scurrying around, getting ready to go on vacation, the last thing on your mind may be your house. But preparing your home for vacation is just as important as packing your suitcase, experts say. Burglary is often the first thing we think about, but you should also take steps to avoid unnecessary use of electricity.
The best tactic to prevent burglary is to give the illusion that someone is at home.
Get to know your neighbors well. Tell them that you’re leaving and ask them to grab the mail and newspapers. Or put a hold on your papers and mail (call the U.S. Postal Service at -1-800-275-8777).
Leave a car parked in the driveway.
Lock all windows and doors, including the shed and garage. Perform a second walk-through, making sure that every door has been locked.
Complete all yard work. Have someone mow the lawn while you’re away if you’ll be gone longer than a week. The American Crime Institute suggest that bushes should not be taller than 4 feet. Eliminate places that a burglar could hide.
Put timers on the lights and electronics. Arrange for the indoor and outdoor lighting to power on simultaneously. If you watch TV from 7 to 10 at night then set the timer for the TV to power on at that time while you are gone or invest in a Fake TV Simulator.
Don’t put house keys under doormats or other secret places. Give one to a friend or take them with you.
Ask your local police department about vacation checks and security surveys.
Invest in a security system that monitors your home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Make sure it has police response, or you will have to rely on someone else to call the police. Also, the alarm should be audible to let the burglar know that the police are coming. Inform the security company when you’re leaving, and provide a contact number in case they need to reach you. Put signs in the yard and stickers in the window that displays the name of the alarm company.
Don’t indicate that you are leaving town on the answering machine. Forward all calls to your cell phone.
Record the serial numbers of valuable objects. Take digital photos as well and if possible engrave valuables for identification.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bear Dog Pepper Spray Repellent

Animal repellents are used for preventing confrontations with animals such as canine or bears. The most common animal repellent is a dog repellent. Every day, people are accosted by dogs that have gotten loose off their chains or were never secured at all. The canine may be responding to what he or she thinks is an invasion of their territory or the dog may feel threatened in some other way. Threatened dogs will often bite no matter what their breed or size. This occurs most often for delivery people. The opportunity for an animal attack is greater due to the nature of your job. Check with your department on their policies for carrying animal repellents.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Personal Protection Products

Don't let yourself fall victim to crime. Statistics point to increase in crime during recessions. is a site constructed to provide you with top of the line personal protection products like The Barking Dog Alarm, Fake TV, Bear Pepper Spray and Book Safes available in order to prepare you for a situation in which we all hope never happens. During the past 10 years we have learned what natural disasters and terrorists can do to change the way we survive. Through this site we hope to provide you with alarms, women’s self defense products, and other self defense products that you will feel comfortable using to protect yourself and products we are confident will help you with disaster preparedness. We offer these products to you for your personal survival, to help you survive in any given situation in which your life or the life of someone you love is at stake.Since we are so passionate about what we do, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our merchandise. If at any time within the first 30 days you are unhappy with something you ordered, call or email us. We will do everything we can to make you happy!In addition to guaranteeing your satisfaction with the products we offer, it is also important to us to offer the products you are interested in. If ever you are looking for something and you are unable to find it on, please let us know so we can do everything we can to provide it for you.We hope you enjoy your shopping experience on the